Stability Analysis of Networked Control System with Time Delay and Data Loss

시간 지연과 데이터 손실을 고려한 네트워크 제어시스템의 안정도 분석

  • 정준홍 (성균관대 정보통신공학부) ;
  • 최수영 (삼성전자 스토리지사업부) ;
  • 박기헌 (성균관대 정보통신공학부)
  • Published : 2004.10.01


The major concern of networked control system is network uncertainties such as time delay and data loss. Because these uncertainties may degrade the performance of networked control system and destabilize the entire system. Therefore, the performance and the stability variation of networked control system due to network uncertainties must be considered first in designing networked control system. In particular, the stability analysis of networked control system is most important issue since time delay and data loss can make the overall systems unstable. In this paper, we present a new stability analysis method of networked control system with time delay and data loss, which is impossible in previous works. The proposed method can determine maximum time delay and allowable transmission rate that preserve stability performance of networked control system. The results of the simulation validate effectiveness of our stability analysis method.



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