국내 소기업의 환경요인과 IT성과 인식: 탐색적 연구

Perceived IT Performance and Contextual Factors of Small Firms in Korea: An Explorative Study

  • 김진한 (포스코경영연구소 경영연구2센터) ;
  • 이윤석 (포스코경영연구소 정책연구센터) ;
  • 김성홍 (한국전산원 전자거래연구부)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.31


This paper proposes an empirical evidence about contextual factors which determine perceived business performances of small firms resulted from IT investment. In this paper, small firms are defined as firms of which total employees are below fifty. These small firms account for 95% of total number of private companies in Korea. We used a perceived IT performance model based on Balanced Scorecard framework to evaluate IT performance of small firms. And data were collected by Web and e-mail survey method with multiple screening. Statistical results show that business performance of small firms are differentiated in terms of firm size, location, longevity, age of owner, education level of owner, while industry sector, profitability, sex of owner don't make significant differences.



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