Factors Influencing Mobile Internet Service Acceptance: Extension of Technology Acceptance Model Using The Flow Theory

무선인터넷서비스 수용의 영향요인 분석: 플로우이론을 가미한 기술수용모델의 확장

  • 장정무 (성균관대학교 대학원 경영학부) ;
  • 김종욱 (성균관대학교 경영학부) ;
  • 김태웅 (성균관대학교 경영학부)
  • Published : 2004.09.30


The current study investigates major factors which influence the acceptance of mobile internet services based on the theoretical backgrounds of the technology acceptance model(TAM) and the flow theory. This research extended the Davis' TAM model(1989) by including the flow concept as another major factor towards the intention to use the mobile device in order to explain the acceptance of divers mobile services. According to the marketing studies(Ghani & Desphande, 1994; Novak, Hoffman & Yung, 2000), flow is regarded a psychological state in which one is absorbed in something he or she is doing, and is known to be widely adopted in explaining one's acceptance in the area of game, sports, and even hobby. This study developed a research model to explain the use of mobile services employing usefulness, ease of use and flow as major research variables, and collected 221 survey responses from the high school students who had experiences with such mobile services as game and audio file download. The results of the current research indicates that usefulness and flow influence the intension to use mobile services, but the effect of ease of use did not appear significant to the intention to use. It was also found that flow affects both usefulness and ease of use, and then ease of use next influences usefulness.



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