A Multi-agent Architecture for Coordination of Supply Chains with Local Information Sharing

지역적 정보 공유를 활용하는 멀티 에이전트 시스템 기반의 공급사슬 관리 아키텍쳐

  • Published : 2004.12.31


Multi-agent technology is being regarded as one of the promising technologies for today's supply chain management because of its desirable features such as autonomy, intelligence, and collaboration. This paper suggests a multi-agent system architecture with which companies can improve the efficiency of their supply chains by collaborative operation. Reflecting the practical difficulties of collaboration in complex supply chains, the architecture allows agent systems to share information with only neighboring companies for the coordinated operation. The suggested architecture is elaborated with a collaboration model based on Petri-net, conversation models for communication, and internal behavior models of each agent. A simulation experiment was performed for the evaluation of the suggested architecture. The result implies that when the estimation of market demand is higher than a certain level, the suggested architecture can be beneficial.



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