Construction industry is faced with the problems such as the quickly changeable circumstance and increasing construction companies due to regulation mollification of company registration. In order to overcome these problems, new estimation system based on historical estimation cost is ready to introduce by government step by step. But the time of transition for estimation system causes another problems such as chaos addition to simultaneity of a standard of estimation system and new estimation system, lack of related regulation, accumulation of historical extensive cost data, and adjustment methodology when historical estimation data is applied to next projects. The purpose of this study is to suggest the change factors by activities for estimating historical cost for apartment housing projects. New estimation system is based on historical construction data. For application of this system, the standard adjustment methodology system is necessary. and extensive cost data should be accumulated under an unified construction work classification system. Therefore in this study, according to the construction work classification system, every apartment housing project was classified to 16 work classifications, and 7 major composed items which occupy more than 85% of construction costs are analyzed by detailed activities and by average ratio and maximum ratio each of them. In the result of the study, furniture work, foundation work and masonry work are the works which have big gap of costs between average ration and maximum ratio. In addition to suggestion of change factor by work species, 5 qualified construction specialists are interviewed and change factors in 7 major works are analyzed.