Air Quality Measurements and QC/QA (I) -Principles and Methodology

대기환경측정과 정도관리 (I)-원리와 방법론

  • 백성옥 (영남대학교 토목도시환경공학부) ;
  • 김기현 (세종대학교 지구환경과학과) ;
  • 허귀석 (한국표준과학연구원 유기분석연구실)
  • Published : 2004.04.01


With the increasing concern over the air quality degradation, there are growing demands to accurately and precisely measure air quality. In this article, the general principles and approaches were described to help aid proper evaluation of air quality. In order to introduce the basic approaches for conducting field/laboratory experiments and for interpreting experimental data sets, we explained all the common methodologies involved and provided some insights into the desirable protocols for air quality measurements.



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