상수 서비스 시간을 갖는 개방형 대기행렬의 종대종 지연과 윈도우 구조의 영향 분석

An Impact Analysis of Window Mechanism and End to End Delay of Tandem Queueing Network with Constant Service Times

  • 이영 (계명대학교 산업시스템공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


In this paper, we investigate the impact of window mechanisms on end to end delay in a series of nodes with constant service times. It is shown that arbitrary combinations of window mechanisms, each applying to an arbitrary subset of data, can be embedded on the nodes without affecting the departure instants from the system if the windows are at least as large as the number of nodes spanned. The window mechanisms are shown to have no impact on the average end to end delay of data. As the condition on the windows is a minimal necessary requirement for full parallelism, the results show that the transparent operation from viewpoint of data transmission can be achieved with minimal resources.



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