An Intelligent Search Modeling using Avatar Agent

  • Kim, Dae Su (Department of Computer Science, Hanshin University)
  • Published : 2004.12.01


This paper proposes an intelligent search modeling using avatar agent. This system consists of some modules such as agent interface, agent management, preprocessor, interface machine. Core-Symbol Database and Spell Checker are related to the preprocessor module and Interface Machine is connected with Best Aggregate Designer. Our avatar agent system does the indexing work that converts user's natural language type sentence to the proper words that is suitable for the specific branch information retrieval. Indexing is one of the preprocessing steps that make it possible to guarantee the specialty of user's input and increases the reliability of the result. It references a database that consists of synonym and specific branch dictionary. The resulting symbol after indexing is used for draft search by the internet search engine. The retrieval page position and link information are stored in the database. We experimented our system with the stock market keyword SAMSUNG_SDI, IBM, and SONY and compared the result with that of Altavista and Google search engine. It showed quite excellent results.



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