Evaluation of F$_1$ Hybrids Between RD$_1$ and Bivoltine Breeds of the Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) for Exploitation in Dry Zones

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


With the main objective to know the feasibility of exploitation of F$_1$ hybrids in semi arid and arid climatic conditions of India, the present study was carried out by utilising RD$_1$ as female parent and six bivoltine silkworm breeds viz., CSR$_2$, CSR$_4$, CSR$_{5}$, CSR$_{17}$, CSR$_{18}$ and CSR$_{19}$ along with NB$_4$D$_2$ as male parents. Different hybrids exhibited their superiority for various economic characters during different seasons. Among F$_1$ hybrids, RD$_1$${\times}$CSR$_{5}$ was adjudicated as the best hybrid in terms of expression of significant positive hybrid vigour over mid parental value for five economic characters namely hatching %, cocoon yield, cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight and filament size, highest multiple trait average evaluation index value of 56.77 and comparatively uniform cocoon size with coefficient of variation (CV%) of 3.80 and Standard Deviation (SD) of 7.99 during September - October 2003. Results of the present study revealed that the F$_1$ hybrid RD$_1$${\times}$CSR$_{5}$ can be successfully exploited on commercial in semi arid and arid climatic conditions in India. India.dia.



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