Seasonal Effects on the Performance of Newly Evolved Bivoltine Hybrids of the Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) Under Tropics

  • Rao, P.Sudhakara (Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute) ;
  • Datta, R.K. (Director (Retired)) ;
  • Palit, A.K. (Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute) ;
  • Haque Rufaie, S.Z. (Division of Sericulture, S. K. University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


Seasonal effects of the newly evolved bivoltine hybrid namely CSR$_2$${\times}$SR$_{5}$, SR$_1$ ${\times}$SR$_4$ and control hybrid KA${\times}$NB$_4$D$_2$ along with their parents SR$_1$, SR$_4$, SR$_{5}$, CSR$_2$ KA and NB$_4$D$_2$ were evaluated during different seasons of the year to understand genotype and environment interactions. Data were collected on five economic importance namely, pupation rate, cocoon yield, cocoon weight, cocoon shell ratio and filament length of the lines, hybrids and the control breeds/hybrid in three different seasons i.e., Pre-Monsoon, Monsoon and post-monsoon and subjected to relevant statistical methods. Seasonal performance of CSR$_2$, SR$_1$, SR$_4$ and SR$_{5}$ revealed superiority over control breeds KA and NB$_4$D$_2$. Both the hybrids i.e., CSR$_2$${\times}$SR$_{5}$ and SR$_1$${\times}$SR$_4$ performed well under diversified environmental conditions of tropical climate in a year indicating overall stability. These hybrids revealed highly significant (P < 0.01) variations for majority of the traits studied over the control hybrid KA${\times}$NB$_4$D$_2$.$.



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