A fast switching thyristor with a superior trade-off property between the on-state voltage drop and the turn-off time could be fabricated by the proton irradiation method. After making symmetric thyristor dies with a voltage rating of 1,600 V from 350 $\mu$m thickness of 60 $\Omega$ㆍcm NTD-Si wafer and 200 $\mu$m width of n-base drift layer, the local carrier lifetime control by the proton irradiation was performed with help of the HI-13 tandem accelerator in China. The thyristor samples irradiated with 4.7 MeV proton beam showed a superior trade-off relationship of $V_{TM}$ = 1.55 V and $t_{q}$ = 15 $\mu$s attributed to a very narrow layer of short carrier lifetime(~1 $\mu$s) in the middle of its n-base drift region. To explain the small increase of $V_{TM}$ , we will introduce the effect of carrier compensation at the low carrier lifetime region by the diffusion current.ffusion current.t.