또래관계 경험 및 가족지지에 따른 아동의 심리사회적 적용

Children′s Peer Experiences, Familial Support, and Psychosocial Adjustment

  • 발행 : 2004.11.01


This study examined the interaction between children's peer experiences and familial support in relation to their psychosocial adjustment(self-esteem and lonelitness). Peer experiences were examined in terms of children's perceptions of peer acceptance and the reciprocity of best friendship. The subjects were 2754th or 5th graders residing in Seoul. It was found that the interaction between children's perceptions of peer acceptance and familial support, and that between the reciprocity of bort friendship and familial support were both significant predictors of children's loneliness whereas only the former was a significant predictor of children's self-esteem. The study results suggest that children's experiences from one type of interpersonal relationship should be examined in conjunction with their experiences in other types of relationships in order to better understand the psychosocial domains of child development.



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