서울 대기 중 미세 먼지 노출로 인한 위해도에 근거한 우선 관리 지역 선정 -이론적 사망 위해도 및 손실비용을 근거로-

Selection of Priority Areas Based on Human and Economic Risk from Exposure to Fine Particles in Seoul

  • 김예신 (연세대학교 환경공해연구소) ;
  • 이용진 (연세대학교 환경공해연구소) ;
  • 신동천 (연세대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


It is important to select a risk based priority area for environmental policy formation and decision-making. We estimated the health risks and associated damage costs from exposure to fine particles and assigned priority areas for twenty -five districts in Seoul. In order to estimate the theoretical mortality incidence of the health risk, baseline risks were estimated from mortality rates in two low level areas of fine particles, Seocho Gu and Cheju city To estimate the damage cost from the risk estimates, we investigated and estimated the willingness to pay (WTP) for specific risk reduction. We assumed two different locations as the reference area, Cheju city as Scenario I and Seocho gu as Scenario II. From the results, the five districts, Kwangjin, Chungnang, Kangbuk, Nowon, and Kangnam, ranked high in the categories of both health risk and economic risk. Damage costs were over twenty billion won in each of these districts. As there are uncertainties in these results, the parameter values such as PM$_{2.5}$ level, dose -response slope factor, baseline risk, exposure population and WTP should be continuously validated and refined.d.



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