Slit-Coater내의 Photo Resist의 코팅 특성

Coating Characteristics of Photo Resist in a Slit-Coater

  • 김장우 (호서대학교 환경안전공학부) ;
  • 정진도 (호서대학교 환경안전공학부) ;
  • 김성근 (호서대학교 환경공학과 대학원)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


The aim of this study is the confirmation of the coating uniformity affected by the surface tension and wall attachment angle in a slit-coater model. In this work, we use the commercial code (Fluent) to solve the two-phase flow formed with air and photo resist numerically. The results show that the surface tension is the most important factor to determine the coating efficiency in the view of coating uniformity, and the coating uniformity is 2% for our slit-coater model and conditions. To improve the coating uniformity, it is in need of minimization of the sidewall effect of slit-coater.
