조선시대 복식에 나타난 자색계 색명의 개념적 의미

Conceptual Meaning of Purple-series Color Names in the Clothing of Joseon Dynasty Period

  • 발행 : 2004.11.01


In this study, color names focusing on the purple series, appearing in the clothing of the Joseon Dynasty, were classified systematically, and the conceptual meaning of each name were investigated through various methods. The results are as follows; First, the color names of purple-series were classified systematically. According to the integration scheme of morphemes, color names could be divided into two categories; single names and composite names. Color names could also be classified into universal and limited names according to the areal distribution of literatures. Secondly, the conceptual meaning of the color names of purple-series were considered. The conceptual meaning could be divided into two categories; one 'etymological and dyeing methodological meaning', the other 'color systematic meaning' By studying the dictionary definition of color names, comparing and analyzing the material composition of colors, the etymological and dyeing methodological meaning could be grasped. Furthermore, the color systematic meaning of each name could be grasped through the cluster analysis of L*, a*, b* values measured from the relics of clothing. Thirdly, the conceptual semantic structure were established on the basis of conceptual meanings of purple-series color names. The conceptual semantic structure of purple-series color names is forming discrete structure with the dyeing method and material of dyes as their semantic components.



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