대학생 알코올의존의 요인

Alcohol Dependency of College Students

  • 이원재 (경원대학교 의료경영정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


This study attempted to investigate the factors influencing alcohol drinking habit of college students in Korea. To find how many students are alcohol dependents and what factors are related to problem drinking habit, the current study estimated problem drinkers and analyzed the relationship of problem drinking and various factors. In 2000, 736 students reported the questionnaires. Estimated rates of problem drinkers standardized by age were 0.7% of male and 0.5% of female students by NAST, amounting 9,300 college students. Age of initiation of alcohol drinking, alcohol or drug use problems of parents or mends, psychological factors, emotional factors, and two of MMPI scales were significantly different between moderate drinkers and alcohol dependents. The moderate and problem drinkers were significantly different in Mf and Pa average scores. However, economic factors were not significantly different between the moderate drinkers and alcohol dependents. Based on the results, this study suggested that further multivariate studies with large sample need be conducted to investigate the relationship between alcohol dependency and its factors.



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