Linkage Disequilibrium of Dopamine D2 Receptor Gene in the Korean Population

  • Published : 2004.03.01


The genetic basis of hypertension is complex, and has been considered to be associated with the dopamine D2 receptor gene (DD2R). Because association studies using the candidate gene approach may provide important clues regarding the pathogenesis of hypertension and establish basis for further study, we performed the association study on the relationship between genetic polymorphisms in the DD2R gene and hypertension in Koreans. Eighty nine patients with hypertension and 86 age-matched subjects with normal blood pressure were enrolled. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes. PCR-RFLP analysis was performed to detect the three polymorphic Taq I sites in the DD2R gene. There were no significant differences in genotype, allele and haplotype distributions of any polymorphisms in the DD2R gene between two groups, respectively (P>0.05), although significant linkage disequilibriums among these polymorphic sites were detected by pair-wise analysis (P<0.05). Therefore, our negative result suggest that the three Taq I RFLPs in the DD2R gene were not significantly associated with hypertension in Koreans.



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