문화접변 유형에 따른 조선족 청소년의 적응 : 심양과 할빈을 중심으로

Korean-Chinese Adolescents′ Acculturation and Adjustment in Shenyang and Harbin

  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


This study examined. the acculturation type and adjustment of 914 Korean-Chinese adolescents living in Shenyang and Harbin, China. Adolescents completed a questionnaire consisted of items regarding acculturation, school adjustment, expectation of education, and internal locus of control: The results are summarized as follows: 1) Adolescents in Shenyang spoke more chinese and showed lower internal locus of control than adolescents in Harbin. 2) Adolescents in Shenyang showed more integration and assimilation types, while adoelscents in Harbin showed more separation type. 3) Adolescents in Shenyang showed difference in their adjustment across acculturation types, while adolescents in Harbin did not. In Shenyang, adolescents of integration and assimilation showed higher expectation of education, and adolescents of separation revealed higher internal locus of control.



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