인천지역 양돈농가의 생산성 향상을 위한 질병 실태조사

Survey on the endemic disease to improve production of pig farm in Incheon area

  • 황원무 (인천광역시보건환경연구원) ;
  • 이성모 (인천광역시보건환경연구원) ;
  • 황현순 (인천광역시보건환경연구원) ;
  • 한정희 (강원대학교 수의학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


This experiment was executed to control effectively endemic disease of swine farms in Incheon metropolitan city. Mainly using PigMon program which had been developed by the College of Veterinary Medicine in the University of Minnesota(USA), we examined lesions of gastric ulcer and interstitial nephritis additionally. 446 heads of pigs shipped from 5 farms in Incheon to a slaughterhouse from June in 2003 to May in 2004 were examined. Infection rates by farms were obtained as follows; 1. Pneumonia was varied from 34.6% to 74.1% and pneumonic score was 1.47∼7.06. As for atrophic rhinitis, four farms were 100% and one farm was 89.5% and rhinitis score was 1.3∼3.2. 2. The infection rate of pericarditis and peritonitis was 1.0∼3.9% and liver white spots, papular dermatitis were observed in pigs of 9.8∼29.7%, 16.7∼51.4% respectively. 3. The outbreak rates of interstitial nephritis, lesions of ileal thickening and gastric ulcer were 15.4∼24.1%, 7.7∼13.5%, and 62.7%∼86.2% respectively.



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