동면중 반달가슴곰에 대한 혈중 Progesterone치와 초음파진단기를 이용한 임신진단

Pregnancy Diagnosis by Measuring Serum Progesterone Level and Ultrasonography for Asiatic Black Bear(Ursus thibetanus) Being under Hibernation

  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


Pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasonography was performed for both pregnant and non-pregnant Asiatic black bears which were being under hibernation. Pregnancy was diagnosed for a pregnant bear by detecting images of heart-beat and vertebrae on ultrasonograph. Serum progesterone levels were measured for both pregnant and non-pregnant bears. The level of serum progesterone was 5.79 ng/ml for a pregnant bear and 0.76 ng/ml for a non-pregnant bear, respectively, thereby it was considered that measurement of serum progesterone level can be also useful for pregnancy diagnosis for Asiatic black bear.



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