장애아 부모를 위한 아동학대 예방 프로그램 효과분석

The Effect of a Child Abuse Prevention Program for Parents with Disabled Children

  • 안혜영 (을지의과대학교 간호대학)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


Purpose: This study describes the ecological variables effect on child abuse potential and the results from a prevention program for parents with disabled children aiming at decreasing child abuse potential. Method: Data was collected from 30 parents with disabled preschoolers attending an early education center in a community. The program consisted of handouts, small group lectures, support group meetings on understanding the disabled child-parents relationship, communication skill improvement, non-punitive discipline techniques, and influences of child abuse. A non equivalent pre-post test design was employed. Result: Ecological variables, and parenting self-efficacy, had a significant effect on child abuse potential in parents with a disabled child. By regression parenting self-efficacy showed(27.1 %) child abuse potential. Both parenting self-efficacy and beliefs in corporal punishment directly related to (52.0%) child abuse potential in parents. The program was effective inbringing some positive changes on pareting self-efficacy beliefs in corporal punishment, and child abuse potential toward disabled children. However, marital discord was not significantly effected. Conclusion: Child abuse prevention programs should decrease thechild abuse potential in parents. Thus I recommend a child abuse prevention program development; for parents with disabled adolescents, and teachers in disabled child education.



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