동거유형에 따른 노인의 인지기능, 영양상태, 우울의 비교

Comparison of Cognitive Levels, Nutritional Status, Depression in the Elderly according to Living Situations

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the degree of cognitive level, nutritional status and depression in elderly according to living situations. Method: The subjects consisted of 173 elderly classifying three groups(living alone, living with spouse, living with children). Data was collected from March to June, 2003 by a structured questionnaire that included general characteristics, MMSE-K, nutritional status and depression scale. The collected data was analyzed by the SPSS program including descriptive statistics, $\chi$$^2$-test, ANCOVA, Scheffe test and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Result: In MMSE-K, the living alone group showed suspicious dementia while the other groups were normal. The living alone group showed a high nutritional risk and all three groups showed depression. In MMSE-K, the nutritional status and depression were statistically significant by the living situation. In each group except living with spouse, MMSE-K indicated a significantly negative correlation to depression and nutritional status, while nutritional status showed a significantly positive correlation to depression. Conclusion: It is necessary to develop supportive programs for decreasing the risk of bad health in the elderly and an individual approach according to their living situation. Especially, more concern and intervention is necessary for the solitary elderly.



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