국내여성과 미국이주 한국여성의 유방암에 대한 건강신념과 유방자가검진 비교

A Comparative Study of Korean and Korean-American Women in Their Health Beliefs related to Breast Cancer and the Performance of Breast Self-Examination

  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


Purpose: This cross-sectional survey was undertaken to examine the differences of BSE (breast-self examination) performance and health beliefs between Korean and Korean-American women and to identify which factors influence the BSE based on the HBM variables. Method: The study subjects were recruited from both Korea(189 women) and Cleveland in Ohio, USA(I46 women). The HBM variables were measured using a reliable and valid Health Belief Model Scale. The subjects were also asked whether or not they did a BSE in the last year. Result: The Korean-American women who performed the BSE was statistically higher than that of Korean women. Regarding to the BSE-related health belief, the scores of benefits, confidence, and health motivation was significantly higher in Korean-American. After controlling for living places, age, education, and job, barriers and confidence variables significantly explained the BSE performance of Korean and Korean-American women. Conclusion: There was a differences in BSE-related health belief and performance between Korean and Korean-American women. Among health belief variables, barriers and confidence were core variables predicting the BSE performance of Korean and Korean-American women together.



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