기구학적 전이를 이용한 케이싱 오실레이터의 순기구학 해석

The Forward Kinematics Solution for Casing Oscillator Using the Kinematic Inversion

  • 발행 : 2004.11.01


The Casing Oscillator is a bore file Equipment for the all-casing process. All-casing process is a method of foundation work in construction yard to oscillate steel Casing in the ground. The existing Casing Oscillator has some problem like not boring horizontally with disturbance and not driving Casing othor angle except horizon. To solve problem, the new structure Casing Oscillator is presented and studied. The performance of Casing Oscillator is improved by kinematics analysis. The Casing Oscillator is similar to the parallel manipulator in structure. So we obtain Inverse kinematics solution of Casing Oscillator easily. But it is difficult to solve forward kinematics of Casing Oscillator. T his paper presents a novel pose description corresponding to the structure characteristics of parallel manipulators. Through analysis on geometry theory, we obtain a new method of the closed-form solution to the forward kinematics using Kinematic Inversion. The closed-form solution contains two different meanings -analytical and real-time. So we reach the goal of practical application and control. Closed-form forward kinematics solution is verified by an inverse kinematics analysis. It shows that the method has a practical value for real -time control and inverse kinematics servo control.



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