가시화와 분사율 측정을 통한 비정상 디젤분무의 분석

Analysis of Transient Diesel Spray with Visualization and Injection Rate Measurement

  • 강진석 (현대자동차) ;
  • 최욱 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과) ;
  • 배충식 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


Transient natures of diesel sprays are often characterized with spray visualization, since it is a non-intrusive and straightforward technique to be applied. However, as injection pressure is increased higher than a thousand bar in a modern direct injection diesel engine, very fine temporal and spatial resolutions in the spray visualization are required while sprays become optically denser. Discussed in this paper are macroscopic and microscopic spray visualization techniques and an example of image processing process for efficient and consistent measurement of spray parameters. The injection rate measurement method based on hydraulic pulse principle was suggested as a way of estimating injection velocity for transient diesel sprays. The spray visualization and injection rate measurement techniques were applied to analyze transient diesel sprays from a common-rail injection system and found to be practically effective.



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  2. Proc. 8th ICLASS Investigation of Primary Diesel Breakup Close to the Nozzle of a Common Rail High Pressue Injection System C. Heimgartner;A. Leiperz
  3. Transactions of KSAE v.8 no.3 Diesel Spray Development from VCO Nozzles for High Pressure Direct-Injection J. Kang;C. Bae
  4. Proc. Fall Technical Conference of ICE Division of ASME v.37-1 Diesel Spray Development from VCO Nozzle with Common-Rail C. Bae;J. Kang;H. Lee
  5. Atomization and Sprays v.4 no.1 Drop Sizing and Depth-of-Field Correlation in TV Imaging K. S. Kim;S. S. Kim
  6. Atomization and Sprays v.11 no.4 Determination of In-Focus Criteria and Depth of Fields in Image Processing of Spray Particle K. U. Koh;J. Y. Kim;S. Y. Lee
  7. SAE 71057 Basis for the Comparison of Various Experimental Method for Studying Spray Penetration J. C. Dent
  8. SAE 900475 Structure of Fuel Sprays in Diesel Engines H. Hiroyasu;M. Arai
  9. SAE 960034 Effects of Gas Density and Vaporization on Penetration and Dispersion of Diesel Sprays J. D. Naber;D. L. Siebers
  10. Liquid Atomization L. Bayvel;Orzechowski
  11. SAE 660749 The Fuel Rate Indicator: A New Measuring Instrument For Display of the Characteristics of Individual Injection W. Bosch