시판 가공식품의 영양성분 및 영양강조 표시 실태에 대한 연구

A Study on Nutrition Composition Labeling and Nutrition Claim Practices for the Processed Foods

  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of current nutrition labeling on the packaging of the processed foods that provide consumers with a reliable and consistent source of information, which has been considered as a useful aid for food selection and a potent educational tool for nutrition in daily life. The 2,160 processed foods purchased at the supermarket on September, 2002, were divided by food category issued from the 2002 food codes and assessed in the terms of the nutrition composition labeling and nutrition claims. Nutrition composition labeling was found on 356 of the 2160 processed foods items. Milk and dairy products had 49.7% of nutrition composition labeling, which was the largest number among the food category. Tables were most frequently used as the type of nutrition composition labeling (79.8%). Nutrition composition including many different ways of expression, such as a table of nutrition composition, indication of nutrition composition, analysis table of nutrition composition and comparative table of nutrition composition, made frequent use of nutrition composition labeling titles (78.7%). The various unit of measures were use in the nutrition labeling of the processed foods, per l00g or 100$m\ell$ was the highest (44.6%) under the currently practiced nutrition labeling. The correct labeling standard with nutrient content and % RDA except energy, was used on 47.8% of labels, and those with only liability indication nutrient and liability indication nutrients plus discretion indication nutrients were 25.3 and 22.5% respectively. The processed foods with nutrition claims were 8.0% (172 items). Nutrition claims were divided in two ways: nutrient content claims and nutrient comparative claims. The most frequently used claims were contained in the former (44.4%) and more or plus in the latter case (16.3%). Ca was the most popular item as a nutrition claim nutrient (50.6%).



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