도시근린공원의 추구편익에 의한 중요-성취도 분석 - 대전광역시 근린공원을 대상으로

An Importance-Performance Analysis by Benefit Sought in Neighborhood Park - Focused on the Neighborhood Parks in the City of TaeJon

  • 이시영 (배재대학교 환경조경학과) ;
  • 허준 (협성대학교 도시환경계획연구소)
  • Lee, Shi-Young (Dept. of Environmental Landscape Architecture, Paichai University) ;
  • Heo, Jun (Institute of Urban & Environmental Plannig, Hyupsung University)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


On the assumption that marketing is a useful technique to activate park use, this study aims to find what benefits people pursue and how much they attain them through a park visit. To achieve this, the survey of a Benefits-Sought for a park was conducted at four major parks in the city of Taejon and an Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA) was conducted. Additionally, a Present Condition survey was performed with the park managers. As a result, first, it was found that major benefits are a comfortable rest, an escape from bustling city life, to see natural scenery and to promote physical health, and so forth. Second, performance was relatively lower than importance in the case of recreation and leisure activities, which means that facilities should be improved and programs for park use should be developed. Third, at GaYang park, importance and performance are good in balance. DongChunDang park and Seattle park have 5 items and 7 items for which immediate improvements are required. Saemmeury park generally shows good proportions and it can be much activated by improving the learning and experiencing activities. The results objectively show conditions of neighborhood parks in the city of Taejon from a view of park users. Therefore, it is expected that the results would be useful in determining priorities when improving park facilities or their programs.



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