도계장 출하닭에 대한 구포자충 감염 실태 조사

A Survey of Chicken Coccidiosis in Slaughtered Chickens

  • 허정호 (경상남도축산진흥연구소남부지소) ;
  • 정명호 (경상남도축산진흥연구소남부지) ;
  • 김국헌 (경상남도축산진흥연구소남부지) ;
  • 조명희 (경상남도축산진흥연구소남부지) ;
  • 이국천 (경상남도축산진흥연구소남부지) ;
  • 서종립 (경남고성군 축산) ;
  • 김충희 (진주산업대학 동물생명과학) ;
  • 하대식 (경남보건환경연구) ;
  • 류재두 (국립수의과학 검역원 부산지원)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


The present study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of Eimeria infection in 1,300 slaughtered chickens from 130 farms in Gyeongnam, Jeonnam, Jeonbuk, Gyeongbuk and Chungnam during the period from October 2002 to August 2003. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The prevalence of Eimeria infection in 130 chicken farms was 76.9% and Eimeria infection rates of Gyeongnam, Jeonbuk, Gyeongbuk, Jeonnam and Chungnam were 80%, 75%, 70%, 42.9%, respectively. That of Tongyoung was the highest infection(94.4%) than others districts in the Gyeongnam. 2. The prevalence of oocysts infection level in 1,300 slaughtered chickens from 5 districts was 33.4% and that of Jeonbuk was the highest rate(42%) and Gyeongbuk has the lowest rate(20%). Prevalence of OPG level of slaughtered chicken in Tongyoung was the highest rate(42.8%) in Gyeongnam. 3, Mixed infection rate of over types 2 was 79% and triple infection was shown the highest infection(33%) among the infection types. 4. Kinds of E. spp. were E. acerulina, E. mivati, E. necatrix, E. maxima, and E. tenella. E. tenella has the highest infection rate(78%) and E. necatrix has the lowest infection rate(36%) among the Eimeria spp. 5. The monthly prevalence of Eimeria infection was shown higher in July(94.4%) compared with other months and Jun was shown lower(57.9%). But, level of OPG was shown higher in summer season(July, August; over 40%) than that of winter season(January, February; 23.1%, 16%).



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