Effects on Reproduction Efficiency of Estrous Status in Thoroughbred Mares During the Breeding Season

더러브렛 암말의 번식기 발정상태가 번식효율에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2004.06.01


The purpose of this study was to ascertain the breeding efficiency in Thoroughbred mare. A total of 106 mares were investigated for the status of follicle (462 cases), ovulation (179 cases) and pregnancy (346 cases). Of total examination, 46.8% was follicle measure to determine breeding time, and mating rate per cases examined was 39.9%. There was no correlation between reproductive results and size of follicles or endometrial edema or degrees of teasing alone. 143 cases were ovulated among 179 cases which were performed ovulation examination, and ovulation rate and fertilization rate per mating times were 79.9% and 39.0%, respectively. The use of hCG(human chorionic gonadotropin), to facilitate ovulation, presented to increase occurrence of double ovulations and twin fertilizations In conclusion, though more examination to estimate the optimal breeding time and higher mating rate was performed, fertilization rate per mating times was lower and then reproductive efficiency also became decreased. Therefore, it seemed that accurate examination of reproductive tracks, appropriate teasing programme and hCG administration before ovulation were of help to improve ovulation rate and fertilization rate.



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