Advances in Nonlinear Predictive Control: A Survey on Stability and Optimality

  • Kwon, Wook-Hyun (Control Information Systems Lab., School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University) ;
  • Han, Soo-Hee (Control Information Systems Lab., School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University) ;
  • Ahn, Choon-Ki (Control Information Systems Lab., School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


Some recent advances in stability and optimality for the nonlinear receding horizon control (NRHC) or the nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) are assessed. The NRHCs with terminal conditions are surveyed in terms of a terminal state equality constraint, a terminal cost, and a terminal constraint set. Other NRHCs without terminal conditions are surveyed in terms of a control Lyapunov function (CLF) and cost monotonicity. Additional approaches such as output feedback, fuzzy, and neural network are introduced. This paper excludes the results for linear receding horizon controls and concentrates only on the analytical results of NRHCs, not including applications of NRHCs. Stability and optimality are focused on rather than robustness.



  1. Advances in Model-Based Predictive Control D. W. Clarke
  2. Asian Control Conference Advances in predictive control : theory and application W. H. Kwon
  3. Fiflh International Conference on Chemical Process Control Recent advances in model predictive control and other related areas J. H. Lee;B. Cooley
  4. Fiflh International Conference on Chemical Process Control Nonlinear model predictive control An assessment D. Q. Mayne
  5. Fiflh International Conference on Chemical Process Control An overview of industrial model predictive control technology S. J. Qun;T. A. Badgwell
  6. Computers and Chemical Engineering v.23 An overview of industrial model predictive control technology M. Moran;J. H. Lee
  7. Automatica v.36 Constrained model predictive control Stability and optimality D. Q. Mayne;J. B. Rawlings;C. V. Rao;P. O. M. Scokaert
  8. Journal of Process Control v.8 Advances in nonlinear programming concepts for process control L. T. Biegler
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  10. J. of Optimization Theory and Applications v.57 Optimal infinite-horizon feedback laws for a general class of constrained discrete-time systems: stability and moving-horizon approximation S. S. Keerthi;E. G. Gilbert
  11. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control v.35 no.7 Receding horizon control of nonlinear systems D. Mayne;H. Michalska
  12. Systems and Control Letters v.16 Receding horizon control of nonlinear systems without differentiability of optimal value function H. Michalska;D. Mayne
  13. Int. J. Contr. v.62 no.5 Receding horizon control and discontinuous state feedback stabilization B. S. Meadows;M. A. Henson;J. W. Eaton;J. B. Rawlings
  14. IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. v.41 no.3 On the robustness of receding-horizon control with tenninal constraints G. D. Nicolao;L. Magni;R. Scattolini
  15. IEEE Thans. Automat. Contr. v.43 no.7 Stabilizing receding-horizon control of nonlinear time-varying systems G. De Nicolao;L. Magni;R. Scattolini
  16. System Control Letters v.32 Stability margins of nonlinear receding horizon control via inverse optimality L. Magni;R. Sepulchre
  17. IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. v.38 no.11 Robust receding horizon control of constrained non-linear systems H. Michalska;D. Mayne
  18. European Journal of Control v.2 Dual receding horizon control of constrained discretetime systems L. Chisci;A. Lombardi;E. Mosca
  19. IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. v.44 no.3 Suboptimal model predictive control (feasibility implies stability) P. Scokaert;D. Mayne;J. Rawlings
  20. American Control Conference Estimating quadratic stability domains by nonsmooth optimization J. Hauser;M. Lai
  21. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control v.47 no.4 Toward infinite-horizon optimality in nonlinear model predictive control B. Hu;A. Linnemann
  22. Automatica v.34 A quasi-infinite horizon nonlinear model predictive control scheme with guaranteed stability H. Chen;F. Allgower
  23. Automatica v.31 no.10 A receding-horizon regulator for nonlinear systems and a neural approximation T. Parisini;R. Zoppoli
  24. IEEE Trans. on Automatic control v.46 no.5 Unconstrained receding-horizon control of nonlinear systems A. Jadbabaie;J. Yu;J. Hauser
  25. Automatica v.37 no.9 A stabilizing model-based predictive control for nonlinear systems L. Magni;G. De Nicolao;L. Magnani;R. Scattolini
  26. Automatica v.31 no.9 Stability of a truncated infinite constrained receding horizon control scheme : The general discrete nonlinear case M. Alamir;G. Bomard
  27. Proc. of 38 th IEEE conference on decision and control On stabilizing receding horizon control for nonlinear discrete time systems G. De Nicolao;L. Magnani;L. Magni;R. Scattolini
  28. Proc. of the IMACS multiconference CESA v.1 Stabilizing nonlinear receding horizon control via a nonquadratic penalty G. De Nicolao;L. Magni;R. Scattolini
  29. International Symposium on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control : Assessment and Future Directions Stability and robustness of nonlinear receding horizon control G. De Nicolao;L. Magni;R. Scattolini
  30. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control v.48 no.10 Mm-max model predictive control of nonlinear systems using discontinuous feedbacks F. A. C. C. Fontes;L. Magni
  31. Journal of Process Control v.12 A scheduling quasi min max model predictive control algorithm for nonlinear systems Y. Lu;Y Arkun
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  33. IEE Proc., Control Theory Application v.147 Receding horizon $H_{\infty}$ Predictive control for systems with input saturations Y. I. Lee
  34. Automatica v.37 A receding horizon approach to the nonlinear $H_{\infty}$ control problem L. Magni;H. Nijmeijer;A. J. van der Schaft
  35. Americal Control Conference A game theoretic approach to nonlinear robust receding horizon control of constrained systems H. Chen;C. W. Scherer;F. Aligower
  36. IEE Proc. Control Theory Application Receding horizon $H_{\infty}$ control for nonlinear discrete-time systems E. Gyurkovics
  37. IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. v.45 no.5 A receding horizon generalization of pointwise min-norm controllers J. Primbs;V. Nevistic;J. Doyle
  38. American Control Conference Stabilizing receding horizon control of nonlinear systems A control lyapunov function approach A. Jadbabaie;J. Yu;J. Hauser
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  40. AIAA Journal of Guidance and Control v.23 no.3 A receding horizon control Lyapunov function approach to suboptimal regulation of nonlinear systems M. Sznaier;J. Cloutier;R. Hull;D. Jacques;C. Mracek
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  42. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control v.13 Suboptimal control of constrained nonlinear systems via receding horizon constrained control Lyapunov functions M. Sznaier;R. Suarez;J. Cloutier
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  45. Proc. of the American Control Conference A computationally efficient nonlinear MPC algorithm A. Zheng
  46. Proc. of the American Control Conference Computationally efficient scheduled model predictive control for constrained nonlinear systems with stability guarantees Z. Wan;M. V. Kotharc
  47. Proc. of the American Control Conference Efficient scheduled stabilizing output feedback model predictive control for constrained nonlinear systems Z. Wan;M. V. Kotharc
  48. International Workshop on Nonlinear Predictive Control Improving the efficiency of multiparametric quadratic programming J. Rossiter
  49. International Workshop on Nonlinear Predictive Control A recursive method of optimization for nonlinear predictive control U. Halldorsson;H. Unbehauen
  50. Automatica v.39 Nonlinear model predictive control with polytopic invariant sets M. Cannon;V. Deshmukh;B. Kourvaritakis
  51. Automatica v.40 Enlargenment of polytopc tenriinal region in NMPC by interpolation and partial invariance M. Cannon;B. Kouvaritakis;V. Deshmukh
  52. Journal of Process Control v.13 A note on stability, robustness and performance of output feedback nonlinear model predictive control L. Imsland;R. Findeisen;E. Bullinger;F. Allgower;B. A. Foss
  53. International Workshop on Nonlinear Predictive Control Output feedback Model Predictive Control of nonlinear discrete-time systems: regional and global results L. Magni;G. D. Nicolao;R. Scattolini
  54. Journal of Process Control v.13 no.5 Heuristic on-line tuning for nonlinear model predictive controllers using fuzzy logic E. Ali
  55. IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems v.7 no.3 Model predictive satisficing fuzzy logic control M. Goodrich;W. Stirling;R. Frost
  56. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics v.31 no.1 Model predictive control using fuzzy decision functions J. da Costa Sousa;U. Kaymak
  57. Journal of Process Control v.13 no.5 Developing a robust model predictive control architecture through regional knowledge analysis of artificial neural networks P.-F. Tsai;J.-Z. Chu;S.-S. Jang;S.-S. Shieh
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  59. Computers & Chemical Engineering v.26 no.4;5 Automated nonlinear model predictive control using genetic programming B. Grosman;D. R. Lewin
  60. Chemical Engineering and Processing v.37 no.2 Application of recurrent neural networks in batch reactors: Part II: Nonlinear inverse and predictive control of the heat transfer fluid temperature I. M. Galvan;J. M. Zaldivar
  61. Computers & Chemical Engineering v.26 no.4;5 Automated nonlinear model predictive control using genetic programming B. Grosman;D. R. Lewin
  62. Chemical Engineering and Processing v.37 no.2 Application of recurrent neural networks in batch reactors: Part II: Nonlinear inverse and predictive control of the heat transfer fluid temperature I. M. Galvan;J. M. Zaldivar