In case of a semi-forcing culture for vegetable perilla, the following research results on the effect of black polyethylene mulching, the optimum sowing season, and the seedling stand improvement method were drawn. Soil temperature was higher and the emergence was faster in a black polyethylene mulching culture than in a non-mulching culture. However, the mature was late, the main stem were larger, and the seed yield, as well as the leaf yield, was greater in a mulching culture than in a non-mulching culture. Considering growth and chilling injury, the stable sowing season of vegetable perilla was judged to be the early in January. The covering materials for improvement of the seedling stand can be a non-woven fabric and hyaline polyethylene. However, the non-woven fabric seemed to be quite suitable in view of the stability and convenience of control after the emergence of perilla.
잎들깨 반촉성 재배시 흑색유공 polyethylene 멀칭효과와 파종적기 구명 및 입모향상 시험을 수행한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 흑색유공 polyethylene 멀칭재배가 무멀칭재배에 비해 지온이 높고, 출현이 빠른 반면 성숙이 늦고, 경장이 크며, 엽수량뿐만 아니라 종실수량도 많았다. 2. 생육과 저온피해 등을 고려해 볼 때, 잎들깨의 안정적인 파종기는 1월 상순이었다. 3. 입모향상에 도움이 되는 피복재료는 부직포와 투명 polyethylene이나 출현 후 안정성이나 관리의 편의성 등을 고려해 볼 때 부직포가 적당하였다.