실험과 컴퓨터 모사 결과를 동시에 이용하여 직교배열표로 설계하는 방법

A Design Methodology with Orthogonal Arrays Using Experiments and Computer Simulations

  • 박경진 (한양대학교 기계정보경영공학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.07.01


Generally, automatic design is carried out with computer simulation and the simulation models are established by investigating the correlations between the simulation and real experiments. Therefore, the experiment results are utilized as complimentary data although they are considered to be precise. Orthogonal arrays have been adopted for discrete design. A method is proposed to directly exploit the experiment results in the design process with orthogonal arrays. Experiments are allocated to some rows of an orthogonal array and computer simulations are allocated to the others. A rule for the allocation is found to keep the orthogonality. Error analysis of the design results is performed. Mathematical examples are made to verify the validity of the proposed method. Error models are defined with the examples and the design solutions from the examples are discussed.



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