고령자의 주거생활 환경과 삶의 질에 관한 연구 - Q.O.L 상승요인 실태조사를 중심으로 -

A Study on Living Environment and Q.O.L of the Elderly

  • 이종협 (동양대학교 실내디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


The worthness of life of an elderly person is a subjective thing that is based on the individual's sense of values, and it depends on what he or she pursues in life. Therefore, the quality of life is a relative concept and it varies according to individual tastes and changes of values resulted from changes of social framework. The purpose of this study is to furnish information about the basic plan for the increase of Q.O.L. There are three methods used in this study. First is to understand the structure and the factors related to Q.O.L by research and documents. Second, site survey and analysis of urban and rural areas, for example Seoul and Jochiwon, and third, study the condition of the old using SPSS. The result of study to enrich the Q.O.L of the old can be categorized into two ways. First, the old themselves has to satisfy the image of the old who has a high Q.O.L. Second, the community has to support the proper environment for the old to get worth of life.



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