원산지와 가격이 티셔츠의 제품평가에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

Effects of Country-of-Origin and Price on the Consumers' Evaluation of T-shirt Produce

  • 김진희 (이화여자대학교 의류직물학과) ;
  • 임숙자 (이화여자대학교 의류직물학) ;
  • 이숙희 (호남대학교 의상디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


This study was designed to find out the effects of country-of-origin and price on the perceived quality, perceived value and purchase willingness of t-shirt products. This study will allow marketers to find the target consumers and to choose both the suitable country -of -origin and the reasonable selling price. This study was based on theoretical and empirical methods. For the empirical methodology, 3${\times}$3 between subjects factorial design with country-of-origin (U.S.A. vs. Korea vs. China) and price(high price vs. middle price vs. low price) was used. The nine types surveys by country-of-origin and price were transmitted to 960 undergraduate and graduate school students in Seoul. A total of 912 questionnaires were used in the final statistical analyses using factor analysis, MANOVA, Duncan test, and Tukey test. The results of this study were as follows: First, in the case of the perceived quality, participants evaluated t-shirt products better when the origin is U.S.A. followed by Korea and China in the order. Second, price affected the perceived value and purchase willingness. In the perceived value and purchase willingness, low priced t-shirt products were evaluated higher than the middle and high priced ones. Third, in the perceived quality, high priced Korean t-shirt products were evaluated lower than high and middle priced American t-shin products. In the perceived value, low priced Chinese t-shirt products were evaluated lower than middle priced Korean t-shirt products. In the purchase willingness, low priced American and low priced Korean t-shirt products and middle priced Korean t-shirt products were evaluated higher than all priced Chinese t-shirt products.



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