집합분할모형을 이용한 운항승무원의 승무경로 일정계획

Cockpit Crew Scheduling using Set Partitioning Problem

  • 김국연 (공군 항공사업단 방공관제사업처) ;
  • 이영훈 (연세대학교 컴퓨터산업공학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.05.01


Efficient crew scheduling for cockpit crew is important in airline industry due to operational safety and cost associated with the flight duty time. Because of complexity of regulations imposed to the cockpit crew. it is complicated to generate an efficient schedule. Schedule of cockpit crew can be generated through two steps; selecting of flight patterns. and scheduling of them to the specific time horizon. Heuristic method is developed and applied with massive data in a limited time of computation. A set of flight patterns is selected from all possible flight patterns. which are generated by composing the flight leg based on regulations. by using the set partitioning problem with objective function of oversea stay cost. The selected set of flight patterns found at the first step is allocated to 4 week crew schedule to minimize the variance of total fight time assigned to each crew. The crew schedules obtained are evaluated and compared with the ones currently used in one of major airline company.



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