전자상거래 주요 요소기술의 체계분석 및 발전전망

Scheme Analysis of Electronic Commerce Technologies

  • 발행 : 2004.05.01


Since digital economy and electronic commerce are evolving rapidly. further shaping process of e-commerce over the Internet would be highly influenced by the impact of electronic commerce technologies. That is. the widespread application of electronic commerce technologies is remoulding classic business patterns and enabling organizations to deal with new ways of doing business with global suppliers. distributors, marketers and consumers. The objective of this study is to examine the scheme of electronic commerce technologies. analyzing the current state and what is expected of them In the future. However, it is difficult to clarify relationships with the every electronic commerce technology and to analyze the progress of each of them. This study focuses on the major electronic commerce application technologies relevant to e-business. In order to analyze the current state of electronic commerce technologies and relationships among them. this study has tried to gather experts' opinions using the Delphi method. For each major EC technology, this study has analyzed the current level. the technology scheme. the applicability, the economic influences of the EC technologies and the urgency of the technology development. This study will play a role of catalyser for the study of electronic commerce technologies and will provide guideline for future studies electronic commerce and information communication technology(ICT) diffusion.



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