이차함수 근사화를 이용한 가용송전용량과 송전신뢰 및 설비편익 여유도 산정

Calculation of CBM, TRM and ATC using Quadratic Function Approximation

  • 발행 : 2004.05.01


The Available Transfer Capability (ATC) is defined as the measure of the transfer capability remaining in the physical transmission network for further commercial activity above already committed uses. Available Transfer Capability (ATC) calculation is a complicated task, which involves the determination I of total transfer capability (TTC), transmission reliability margin (TRM) and capability benefit margin (CBM). As the electrical power industry is restructured and the electrical power exchange is updated per hour, it is important to accurately and rapidly quantify the available transfer capability (ATC) of the transmission system. In ATC calculation,. the existing CPF method is accurate but it has long calculation time. On the contrary, the method using PTDF is fast but it has relatively a considerable error. This paper proposed QFA method, which can reduce calculation time comparing with CPF method and has few errors in ATC calculation. It proved that the method can calculate ATC more fast and accurately in case study using IEEE 24 bus RTS.



  1. North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), 'Available Transfer Capability-Definitions and Determinations', NERC Report, June 1996
  2. P. W. Sauer, S. Grijalva, 'Reactive Power Consideration in ATC Computation', Systems Sciences. 1999. HICSS-32. Proceedings of 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on, pp.2047-2054, Nov/Dec. 1979 https://doi.org/10.1109/HICSS.1999.772870
  3. P. W. Sauer, 'Technical Challenges of Computing Available Transfer Capability (ATC) in Electric Power Systems', Proceedings, 30th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Jan. 1997 https://doi.org/10.1109/HICSS.1997.663220
  4. North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC), 'Transmission Capability Margin and Their Use in ATC Determination', NERC White Paper, 1999