- Aquaculture v.155 Effects of diffenent dietary arachidonic acid: docosahexaenoic acid ratios on phospholipid fatty acid composition and prostaglandin production in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) Castell,J.D.;J.G.Bell;D.R.Tocher;J.R.Sargent
- Hydrobiologia v.234 The use of manipulated bakers yeast as an algal substitute for the laboratory culture of Anostraca Coutteau,P.;L.Brendonck;P.Lavens;P.Sorgeloos
- Mar. Biol. v.130 Lipid classes and their content of n-e highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) in Artemia franciscana after hatching, HUFA-enrichment and subsequent starvation Coutteau,P.;G.Mourente
- CRC Handbook of Marchlture(2nd edition), Vol.1.Crustacean Aquaculture Preparation and use of Artemia as food for shrimp and prawn larvae Dhont,J.;P.Lavens;P.Sorgeloos;J.P. McVey(ed.)
- Aquaculture v.155 The stability of DHA in two Artemia species following enrichment and subsequent starvation Evjemo,J.O.;P.Coutteau;Y.Olsen;P.Sorgeloos
- Aquaculture v.165 Effects of temperature and starvation time on the pattern and rate of loss of essential fatty acids in Arttemia nauplii previously enriched using arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid-rich emulsion Estevez,A.L.A.McEvoy;J.G.Bell;J.R.Sargent
- Aquaculture v.180 Growth, survival, lipid composition and pigmentation of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) larvae fed live-prey enriched in arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids Estevez,A.;L.A.McEvoy;J.G.Bell
- Fish. Sci. v.62 EPA and DHA requirements in early juvenile red seabream using HUFA enriched Artemia nauplii Furuita,H.T.Takeuch;M.Toyota;S.Saton;T.Watanabe
- Aquaculture v.105 Effect of n-3 HUFA levels in Artemia on growth of laval Japaness flounder (Paralicuthys olivaceus) Izquierdo,M.S.;T.Arakawa;T.Takeuchi;R.Haroun;T.Watanabe
- J.Aquac. Trop. v.11 Biochemical changes in the tissue of female prawn Macrobrachium idella (Hilgendorf,1989) during diffenent breeding seasons Joshi,V.P.;A.D.Diwan
- Finfish Hatchery in Asia: Proceeding of finfish Hatchery in ASia 91. Tungkang, Taiwan. TML Conference Proceeding 3 Importance of dietary docosahexaenoic acid on growth and survival of fish larvae Kanazawa,A.;C.S.Lee;M.S.Su;I.C.Liao(eds.)
- Oceanogr. Mari. Biol. Ann. Rev. v.24 The use and nutritional value of Artemia as a food source Leger,Ph.;D.A.Bengtson;K.L.Simpson;P.Sorgeloos
- J. Lipid Res. v.16 Improved recovery of fatty acids through direct transesterificaion without prior extraction or purification Lepage,G.;C.C.Roy
- Aquaculture v.144 Two novel Artmia enrichment diets containing polar lipid McEvoy,L.A.;J.C.Navarro;F.Hontoria;F.Amat;J.R.Sargent
- Aquaculture v.174 Lipid conversion during enrichment of Artemia Navarro,J.C.;R.J.Henderson;L.A.McEvoy;M.V.Bell;F.Amat
- Aquacult. Internatl. v.2 Influence of lipid composition of live feed on growth, survival and pigmentation of turbot larvae Reitan,K.I.;J.R.Rainuzzo;Y.Olsen
- Broodstock Management and Egg and Larval Aquality Sources and functions of egg lipids: nutritional implication Sargent,J.R.;Bromage,N.R.;R.J.Roberts(eds.)
- Aquaculture v.155 Requirements, presentation and sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids in marine fish larval feeds Sargent,J.R.;J.G.Bell;L.A.McEvoy
- Aquaculture: Fundamental and Applied Research. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 43 The metabolism of phospholipids and polyunsaturated fatty acids in fish Sargent,J.R.;J.G.Bell;M.V.Bell;R.J.Henderson;D.R.Tocher;Lahlou,B.;P.;Vitiello(eds.)
- Aquaculture v.179 Lipid nutrition of marine fish during early development: current status and future directions Sargent,J.R.;L.McEvoy;A.Estevez;G.Bell;M.Bell;J.Henderson;D.Tocher
- J. World Aquacult. Soc. v.24 Importance of docosahexaenoic acid in marine larval fish Watanabe,T.