란제리 디자인의 이미지 유형과 디자인 특징

A Study on the Image types and Characteristics of Lingerie Design

  • 발행 : 2004.05.01


This study was initiated for the purpose of improving the visual effect of lingerie design, and it focused on the image factors and their characteristics of the lingerie design. Images of 105 lingerie design were evaluated by 3-5 images/participant with each image being evaluated 15 times through the SD method 5-scale questionnaire. The lingerie design elements were also analyzed by a committee. For data analysis, SPSS 10.0 program was used, and the principal component analysis, Ward-cluster, K-mean cluster analysis, ANOVA, duncan-test were conducted. The results are as follows: 1) The three major characteristics of the visual images in the lingerie design were aesthetics, dignity, and youth, which were supported 76.78% by the responses. 2) The visual image types can be categorized into four clusters; a dignified style, a sprightly style, a practical style, and a sexual style. 3) The design elements that allowed different design characteristics among the image types were style(one-piece/two-piece), total length, waist fit, matching color, silky lustrous, see-through on waist, hip, race percentages. 4) The ABC(apparel-body-construct) observed that a practical style was perceived as flat and whole rather than a dignified style or a sprightly style, while a sexual style was seen as round and partial.



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