렘 콜하스 건축 디자인에서 과학주의의 표현에 관한 연구

A Study on the Expression of Scientism in Architectural Design of Rem Koolhaas

  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


Scientism is a kind of paradigm since the birth of Modernism. Architectural design was also effected from scientism in the 1st Machine age, and being effected still In the End Machine age. But many architects in the 2nd Machine age express scientism in architectural design as a "science for kick" as SF. The design of Rem Koolhaas follows the line of Modernism which was effected from scientism in many ways. However he shows modified machine aesthetics as SF pataphysics mixed with literary imagination, and now shows new science paradigm in post-modern age. He expresses many new science theory like indeterminacy theory, chaos, catastrophe theory in his works. And those are expressed as indeterminate program that proceeds in non-linear way, rhizome in space, order out of chaos, topological metamorphosis as a catastrophe. This study analyzes the expression of scientism in architectural design of Rem Koolhaas since 1970s.nce 1970s.



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