이탈리아 밀라노의 실내디자인학교 현황과 특징에 관한 연구

A Study on the Situation and Characteristic of Interior Design Schools at Milan, Italy

  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


Today the globalization has already penetrated into the education field. It accelerates the exchange and the sharing of the education systems over the world. In that situation, the education systems of USA or Japan were often introduced into our country, while those of Europe haven't been well introduced, less in the field of interior design education systems of Italy. Furthermore, it is necessary to examine objectively the present situations, because the education systems are usually easy to change according to the times. This research is wholly directed by my own experiences such as teaching and studying at Milan, Italy for the past four years. Also the research was continuously done with the data gathering after returning to my country. The detailed situations and characteristics of Politecnico di Milano would be compared to those of other interior design schools at Milan, Italy. I hope it will be an useful data for not only the professors and instructors but also the students who want to study in Italy.



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