국내 패션기업의 위조상품 관리실태 및 대응전략분석

Analysis of Actual Condition of Counterfeits and Anti-Counterfeiting Strategies of Korean Fashion Firms

  • 김용주 (한성대학교 의상디자인전공)
  • 발행 : 2004.01.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze anti-counterfeiting strategies of fashion firms in Korea. Data was collected by in-depth interviews for 25 fashion firms and 5 buying offices who had been victims of counterfeiting. The result showed that fashion firms recognized the counterfeiting, especially deceptive counterfeiting, as a serious problem in Korea and seek for stronger protection. Fashion firms adopted diverse strategies for the protection of trademark and for the protection of design; (1) Investigation and Surveillance, (2) Warning, (3) Prosecution, (4) Lawsuit, (5) Consumer education (6) High-tech tabooing, (7) Provide incentives, (8) Penalty, (9) Do nothing. Despite the diverse efforts, they proposed the most desirable strategies to deter the counterfeiting as the changes of consumer attitude and stronger legal protection.



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