Meteorological Mechanisms Associated with Long-range Transport of Asian Dust Observed at the West Coast of North America in April 2001

  • Song Sang-Keun (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Pusun National University) ;
  • Kim Yoo-Keun (Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Pusun National University) ;
  • Moon Yun-Seob (Applied Meteorology Research Laboratory, Meteorological Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


Meteorological mechanisms in association with long-range transport of Asian dust in April 2001 have been investigated using weather maps, satellite images, TOMS and surface $PM_{10}$ data, backward trajectories, plus modeling output results (geopotential heights, horizontal wind vectors, potential temperatures, and streamlines). The results indicated that long -range transport of Asian dust to the west coast of North America was associated with strong westerlies between the Aleutian low and the Pacific high acting as a conveyor belt. Accelerating westerly flows due to cyclogenesis at the source regions over East Asia transported pollution from the continent to the central Pacific. When the system reached the Aleutian Islands, the intensity of troughs and the westerlies were amplified in the North Pacific. Thereafter the winds between the Aleutian Islands and the Pacific Ocean were more intensified from the air flow transport of the conveyor belt. Consequently, the strong wind in the conveyor belt enhanced the dust transport from the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of North America. This was evidenced by $PM_{10}$ concentration (maximum of about $100{\mu}g\;m^{-3}$) observed In California. Further evidence of the dust transport was found through the observation of satellite images, the distribution of TOMS aerosol index, and the analyses of streamlines and backward trajectories.



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