On the Possible Function of Telfairia occidentalis Agglutinin in the Plant

  • Togun, R.A. (Department of Haematology and Immunology Obafemi Awolowo University) ;
  • Otusanya, O. (Department of Botany, Obafemi Awolowo University) ;
  • Aboderin, A. (Department of Biochemistry, University of Uyo)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.30


The fate of Telfairia occidentalis seed Agglutinin, TOA, has been monitored during germination. While the level of the Agglutinin in the cotyledons decreased sharply in the first three days to about half of the initial level, it stabilises at this level for the following twelve days. In this interval, Agglutinin activity becomes manifest in the radicle on the fourth day, peaking on the fifth and decreasing rapidly thereafter. In the plumule, the lectin activity becomes manifest on the sixth day, peaks on the seventh and decreases rapidly thereafter. No lectin activity is detectable in any plant tissue including the rump of the cotyledons twenty-seven days after germination. The implications of these observations on the possible role of lectins in plants are discussed.



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