- AIAA. J. v.24 no.5 Sensitivity Analysis of Discrete Structural Systems Adelman, H.M.;Haftka, R.T.
- Finite Elements in Analysis and Design v.29 Optimization of Finite Element Bidimensional Models: An Approach Based on Genetic Algorithms Annicchiarico, W.;Cerrolaza, M.
- AAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 24th Structures. Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference. AIAA-83-0941 Shape Optimization of Two Dimensional Structures with Geometric Problem discription and Adaptive Mesh Refinement Bennett, J.A.;Botkin, M.E.
- AIAA J. v.23 no.3 Structural Shape Optimization with Geometric Description and Adaptive Mesh Refinement Bennett, J.A.;Botkin, M.E.
- AIAA J. v.20 Shape Optimization of Plate and Shell Structures Botkin, M.E.
- Int.J. Numerical Methods in Engineering v.26 Sensitivity Analysis with Plate and Shell. Finite Elements Brockman, R.A.;Lung, F.Y.
- Finite Elements in Analysis and Design v.15 A Comparative Study of Design Sensitivity Analysis by Using Commercial Finite Element Programs Chen, J.L.;Ho, J.S.
- Int.J.Numerical Methods in Engineering v.38 A Continuum Approach for Second-Order Shape Sensitivity of Elastic Solids with Loaded Boundaries Chen, Chin-Jung;Choi, K.K.
- Finite Elements in Analysis and Design v.6 Accuracy of Semi-Analytic Sensitivity Analysis Cheng, G.;Gu, Y.;Zhou, Y.
- Int.J.Numerical Methods in Engineering v.28 Sensitivity Analysis and Shape Optimization of Axisymme Structures Cheu, T.C.
- An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids Dahl, Crandall;Lardner
- Mech.Struct. & Mach. v.16 no.40 Two Approaches to Sensitivity Analysis for Shape Variation of Structures Dems, K.;Haftka, R.T.
- Sructural Opt v.6 On Shape Sensitivity Approaches in the Numerical Analysis of Structures Dems, K.;Mroz, Z.
- Computers & Structures v.24 no.6 Shape Optimization of Structures : A Literature Survey Ding, Y.
- J.Strain Analysis v.10 no.2 Optimization of Shape to Minimize Stress Concentration Francavilla, A.;Ramakrishnan, C.V.;Zienkiewicz, O.C.
- Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning Goldberg, D.E.
- Structural Opt v.3 Computational Aspects of Sensitivity Calculations in Linear Transient Structural Analysis Greene, W.H.;Haftka, R.T.
- Structural Opt v.6 Structural Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis of Shape Optimization Gu, Y.;Cheng, G.
- Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering v.57 Structural Shape Optimization-A Survey Haftka, R.T.;Grandhi, R.V.
- AIAA J. v.24 no.7 First and Second Order Sensitivity Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Structures Haftka, R.T.;Mroz, Z.
- Structural Opt v.3 On the Accuracy of Shape Sensitivity Haftka, R.T.;Barthelemy, B.
- Struct Multidisc. Opt v.21 Shape Sensitivity Analysis Using a Fixed Basis Function Finite Element Approach Hansen, J.S.;LIu, Z.S.;Olhoff, N.
- Int.J. Numer. Method Eng. v.18 Three-Dimensional Shape Optimization Hasan , Imam M.
- Int. J. Meth. Engng v.58 Topology Optimization of Trusses Using Genetic Algorithm, Force Method and Graph Theory Kaveh, A.;Kalatjari, V.
- Computers & Structures v.32 no.3/4 Finite Element Design Sensitivity Analysis and Its Integration with Numerical Optimization Techniques for Structural Design Kumar, V.;Lee, S-J;German, M.D.
- Eng Opt. v.19 Genetic Algorithms in Optimization Problems with Discrete and Integer Design Variables Lin, C.Y.;Hajela, P.
- J. Meth. Engng v.39 Genetic Algorithms as An Approach to Optimize Real-World Trusses Galante, Miguel
- Computers & Structures v.61 no.2 Practical Considerations in Two Dimensional Shape optimization of Elastic Continuum Naqib, R.A.;Zureick, A.;Will, K.M.
- Mech.Struct & Mach v.17 no.3 On Accuracy Problems for Semi-Analytical Sensitivity Analysis Pedersen, P.;Cheng, G.;Rasmussen, J.
- Electronics Letters v.31 no.18 Genetic Algorithm using Gradient-Like Reproduction Operator Pham, D.T.;Jin, G.
- Proc 3rd Congress on Expert Systems v.2 A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Pham, D.T.;Jin, G.
- Computers & Structures v.60 no.2 An Integrated Approach to Structural Shape Optimization Pourazady, M.;Fu, Z.
- Struct. Mech. v.3 no.4 Structural Shape Optimization Using Penalty functions Ramakrishnan, C.V.;Francavilla, A.
- Structural Opt v.4 Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Systems Santos, J.L.T.;Choi, K.K.
- Paper Presented at the U.S.-Japan Seminar Structural Synthesis : A Decade of Progress Schmit, L.A.
- Applied Mechanics Review v.21 no.10 Recent Development in Optimal Structural Design Sheu, C.Y.;Prager, W.
- Computer & Structures v.20 no.5 Sensitivity Analysis in Shape Optimization of Continuum Structures Wang, Shu-yu;Sun, Y.;Gallagher, R.H.
- Shape Optimization and Sequential Linear Programming. Chapter 7 of Optimum Structure Design Zienkiewicz, O.C.;Campbell, J.S.