초경공구 성형을 위한 금형압축공정

Finite Element Analysis for Die Compaction Process of Cemented Carbide Tool Parts

  • 현충민 (포항공과대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 권영삼 ((주)쎄타텍) ;
  • 정석환 ((주)쎄타텍) ;
  • 김명진 ((주)한국야금 생산기술부) ;
  • 하상렬 (포항공과대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 김기태 (포항공과대학교 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


This paper reports on the finite elements analysis for die compaction process of cemented carbide tool parts. Experimental data were obtained under die compaction and triaxial compression with various loading conditions. The elastoplastic constitutive equations based on the yield function of Shima and Oyane were implemented into an explicit finite element program (ABAQUS/Explicit) and implicit finite element program (PMsolver/Compaction-3D) to simulate compaction response of cemented carbide powder during die compaction. For simulation of die compaction, the material parameters for Shima and Oyane model were obtained by uniaxial die compaction test. Explicit finite element results were compared with implicit results for cemented carbide powder.



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