교차 전기영동법을 이용한 극소형 DNA 추출기

A DNA Microextractor Using Crossed Field Electrophoresis

  • 이소연 (한국과학기술원 디지털나노구동연구단) ;
  • 서경선 (한국과학기술원 디지털나노구동연구단) ;
  • 조영호 (한국과학기술원 바이오시스템학과 및 기계공학과 디지털나노구동연구단)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


This paper presents a microextractor for the separation of DNA molecules by their sizes. The DNA microextractor immobilizes the DNA molecules of specific size in the micropillar array by adjusting the period of the crossed electric field, thus providing a starting-point independent target DNA extraction method without separation process monitoring. The DNA microextractor has been fabricated by a three-mask micromachining process. The velocity of three different DNA molecules has been measured at the electric field of E=5V/0.8cm in the fabricated DNA microextractor, resulting in the reorientation times of $4.80{\pm}0.44sec,\;7.12{\pm}0.75sec$, and $9.88{\pm}0.30sec$ for ${\lambda}$ DNA, micrococcus DNA, and T4 DNA, respectively. T4 DNA is trapped in the micropillar array when the crossed electric field of 5V/0.8cm is applied alternately at a 10 second time interval. The present DNA microextractor filters the DNA in a specific size range by adjusting the magnitude and/or the period of the crossed electric field applied in the micropillar array.



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