한방의료 관련 산업의 국민경제적 기여도 및 파급효과

Input-Output Structure and Economic Effects of Oriental Medicine Industry in Korea

  • 발행 : 2004.06.29


The purpose of this parer is to identify the input-output structure of oriental medicine and its alternative medicine industries in an inter-industry context and to estimate its forward and backward effects on macroeconomic variables such as production, employment and price level. Input-output tables released by The Bank of Korea were used as data in this research and inter-industry analysis was adopted as research methodology. The industry takes less share of production, price and trade in a Korean economy, compared with other industry. However, the industry's capability of creating value added is estimated to be well above that of other industry and that of making new employments is as more than 4 times as other industries. This result gives us policy implications that the government should enhance its subsidy policy and economic (tax) incentives for oriental medicine and its related alternative medicine industries.



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  2. 건강보험통계연보 국민건강보험공단
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  5. 농가경제통계 농림수산부
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  7. 한국보건경제학회 학술발표회 논문집 국민의료비 지출동향 정영호
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  10. 국민의료비 산출모형개발 및 추계 정영호;이견직;강성욱
  11. 도시가계연보 통계청
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  16. 산업연관표 한국은행
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  18. 산업연관분석해설 한국은행