유화제가 스펀지발효 후 냉동생지로 제조한 빵의 품질특성에 미치는 영향

Effect of Emulsifiers on Properties of the Bread Made by the Dough Frozen after First Fermentation

  • 이정훈 (안산공과대학 호텔조리과) ;
  • 최두리 (건국대학교 응용생물화학과) ;
  • 이중근 (한국보건산업진흥원) ;
  • 이시경 (건국대학교 응용생물화학과)
  • Lee, Jeong-Hoon (Dept, of Hotel Culinary Arts, Ansan College of Technology) ;
  • Choi, Doo-Ri (Dept, of Applied Biology & Chemistry, KunKuk University) ;
  • Lee, Joong-Keun (Korea Health Industry Development Institute) ;
  • Lee, Si-Kyung (Dept, of Applied Biology & Chemistry, KunKuk University)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.31


유화제로 SSL과 DATEM을 첨가한 과자빵 반죽을 가당 스펀지도우법으로 스펀지발효 후 냉동하여 냉동기간에 따른 효모의 생균수, 제품의 부피 수분함량 조직감 품질검사 등을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 효모 생균수는 SSL 0.3% 및 DATEM 0.2%를 첨가한 냉동생지에서 높게 검출되었으며, 제품의 부피도 SSL 0.3% 및 DATEM 0.2%를 첨가한 냉동생지에서 크게 나타났다. 제품의 수분함량은 SSL 0.5%를 첨가한 냉동생지에서 높게 나타났고, 제품의 조직감은 SSL 0.3% 및 DATEM 0.2%를 첨가한 냉동생지에서 부드러운 것으로 나타났다. 제품의 품질검사에서는 SSL 0.3% 및 DATEM 0.2%를 첨가한 냉동생지에서 높은 점수를 얻었다. 이상의 결과로 SSL및 DATEM을 혼합하여 사용한 냉동생지를 이용시 빵의 품질을 향상시키는 것으로 나타났다.

This study was carried out to investigate properties of the bread prepared by applying emulsifiers to the frozen dough, Doughs made by the sponge and dough method with the sweet dough formula were quickly frozen at $-40^{\circ}C$ and stored for 6 weeks at $-20^{\circ}C$. The effects of emulsifiers on the number of yeast cells, the volume of the bread, the hardness and the quality evaluation were investigated after frozen doughs were thawed, fermented and baked every week. In the effect of the number of yeast cells, SSL 0.3% and DATEM 0,2% produced a more effective result than others during the freezing storage, The highest loaf volume was formed in bread supplemented with SSL 0,3% and DATEM 0,2%, In the moisture content, bread supplemented with SSL 0,5% showed the highest value, Bread supplemented with SSL 0,3% and DATEM 0,2% produced the lowest value of bread hardness and received the highest score in quality evaluation, In this study, the addition of SSL 0,3% and DATEM 0,2% in making frozen dough led to better bread quality as compared to others.



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