학교보건 증진을 위한 데이터베이스의 개발 및 관리

Development and Management of Database for School Health Improvement

  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


The purpose of this study was to design and implementation of database for school health activity. This database system was designed stand-alone application for college school health center without a hospital affiliation and the database system was made of relational database management system, Microsoft access 2000 to be made GUI (Graphic user interface) type design and made up 7 tables: patients. symptoms. departments, income and outgo. medical cures. and medicine. The construction of this database system was patient management. code management. medicine management. and statistics management. The results of the database system were as follows; 1) This database system could be used for college school health center. 2) This database system could be made correct statistic data. 3) This database system could be managed income and outgo. 4) This database system could be changed for the better activity of community health service. 5) This database system could be simply attired administrative system. This database system will be used for students and employees to protect and promote health to measure for health level and quality of health service. In conclusion. this database system can be applied for unit health center to manage the college school health activity and advanced data management can be applied for health profession to do quality improvement. cost containment. management information system. and decision support system.
